Sarah Alexander found herself on the yogic path quite by accident when she came to South Florida in 2016 as part of her search for personal healing.
In her early life, her passion for history and linguistics led her to a northeastern university where she also cultivated her natural athleticism as a DIvision 1 athlete. This trajectory was cut short, however, by a serious car accident and spinal cord injury that required multiple fusions and left her suffering from nerve damage and chronic pain. The road to spiritual and physical recovery was long and quite dark in places, but after discovering yoga and experiencing firsthand its ability to heal and transform the body, mind, and soul, she has not turned back.
She applies her love of history to the rich mythological lore of the Hindu deities, and her passion for linguistics to deepening her understanding of Sanskrit and the Yoga Sutras. She's studied many schools of meditation and mindfulness practices. She applies her yogic knowledge to her work in the neurocognitive sciences in the field of Neurofeedback training. She combines these modern scientific methods with the ancient wisdom of yoga, and aims to help others find relief from anxiety, depression, and other natural aspects of the Human condition. However, these days, her primary vocation and true passion is bringing the practices of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga into mental health and wellness institutions in south Florida. For Sarah, yoga is a complete Spiritual Discipline that has led her towards a true experience of mind/body/spirit alignment––it has changed her life.
Sarah Alexander