My intention for every class is to be of service to my students through offering yoga as therapy for the body, mind, and spirit. As a massage therapist, I use my knowledge of the body to safely guide students through postures with breath and intention.

I aim to always offer all-levels classes that are challenging, therapeutic, and uplifting! So whether you seek flexibility, strength, balance or a physical and emotional detox, you’ll find what you need on the mat and carry it with you throughout your day. I suffered from back pain due to scoliosis and breathing problems from severe asthma my whole life.

Little did I know that yoga would transform my body, breath, and mind! Through yoga my back started to find balance and strength, while my breathing became more controlled and calm.
Yoga helped me to flip the script, so to speak. Instead of viewing my issues as obstacles that overwhelmed me, I started to see them as challenges that motivated me to learn and grow. Did my obstacles completely go away? No! But they no longer dictate what I can and can’t do. As I continue to find balance and control over my body I am able to find more balance in my mind and energy. It’s that same balance of body, mind, and spirit that I strive to impart to my students.