Alexandra Pachter AKA Alex is a Certified Integrative Yoga Therapist with IAYT (trauma informed), a Functional Yoga Therapist, a Reiki Master, a Kripalu Yoga Teacher, and has a background in Ayurveda. For the past two and a half years, she has taught her own hatha yoga & yin teacher trainings, and reiki trainings. Alexandra is now teaching classes at Casa and is so excited to be teaching publicly again!
Alexandra has been a student of various styles of yoga since 2010. This is when she knew there was definitely more to life than meets the eye and the five senses, and yoga was her path to evolve. As she integrated the teachings and altered her life, she decided to become a yoga teacher in 2012, and began her trainings as a yoga therapist in 2013.
Currently, Alexandra hosts Yoga Therapy groups for women and men in inpatient treatment for mental health/addiction, and works with minors as well. She has a private practice where helps her clients empower themselves again post trauma.
Alexandra emphasizes the concept of free will, and helps her students remember that we all truly do have a choice in how we show up to the fluctuations of life. Sometimes we just need practice rediscovering and sharpening the tools in the tool box.
Alexandra teaches a creative and empowering all levels vinyasa at Casa. She is looking forward to practicing with you!